Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Life, the Universe, and Some Other Stuff.

OK. Enough with the being sick thing. I was sick for a solid week in January. Sick for another week in February. And sick again this weekend. I stayed home from work Monday and slept all day. What happened to my immune system?

My puppy is wonderful. I love her... although she is very rapidly becoming not so little. She was one of the biggest of the litter, 23 pounds when we got her. A week later, I took her to the vet and she was 28 pounds. We got to the vet again tomorrow to get shots and I'm really curious to see how much she weighs then, because she's noticeably bigger now than she was two weeks ago when we last went... And she likes to eat sticks. Dogs are weird.

I love KU. The Big 12 basketball championship was this weekend, held in Kansas City this year. The Jayhawks won, because they are awesome. I'm not a big sports fan, but for KU basketball, I make an exception.

I'm still job hunting. My current job is about to make me lose my mind. But, I suppose it could be worse.

And this whole winter thing? Enough already! We got a few gorgeous days, but this morning I went out to find ice on my car windows again. And there's a chance of snow again this weekend. Seriously, I'm pretty sure we've used up our allotment of winter.

Boy... isn't this just a thrilling post?

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